Last week of Varying Exceptionalities Pre-k

Welcome back readers! Tomorrow will be Isaiah’s last day in his current pre-k. The picture above is his teacher holding a hamster while Isaiah gently pets him. He does so good being gently with animals. Why can’t he do that with his own sister? She’s like a little hamster too 😉 On Thursday, Isaiah turns 3!! He will start Princeton House and I am nervous/excited about it!

So let me get Zay Man’s Journey up to date. Lets start with today and go backwards. Isaiah had school today and I could tell he was in a good mood and not as tired so I knew he would do well at Speech Therapy. Is it because I switched him to almond milk and he has had little to no diary in his diet? I don’t know. I’m not sure I can deduce that from one good day lol. But Isaiah did do well with Taanee today, she worked on getting his lips together to make an “o” shape. She used a type of gentle “scrapper” to brush the inside of his cheeks and then he made the “o” shape! I guess there is something about letting him feel the inside of his mouth that helps with lip positioning. She recommended buying him a kids vibrating toothbrush so I will be picking one up tomorrow. She let him use a vibrating tool for his mouth and he really liked it, and I’m not surprised! Why didn’t I think of a vibrating toothbrush before? He’ll probably LOVE to brush his teeth now! He did really well saying “up” and “apple” and she worked on “give me the ____”. This is tough for him because he needs to identify the object and give it to her. I will be practicing this at home this week.

Yesterday, there was no school but Isaiah had ST with Beth and ugh I was like 5 minutes late which makes me so upset. I always get there soo early and I can never get there like 5-10 minutes before. I just can’t figure out Orlando traffic. Why is it bumper to bumper at 2pm? go to work people! He transitioned well with Beth but was visibly tired and kept laying his head on the table. But he would use his words and say “mm” for “more” and “puh” for “please”. She has been working on “color the ____”. Isaiah is to color the item she said that is on the paper in front of him. I haven’t seen him do this correctly.

On Sunday, we went to church and then went to a friend’s house for lunch afterward. The kids did really well and we were able to participate in the discussion and stay the whole time! Isaiah ran back and forth between two couches and did backflips off of them and Trinity walked around and went loved the stairs they had. Isaiah fell asleep on the way home so he stayed up till 9pm but he was able to sleep in the next morning because he had no school.

On Saturday, we went to LEGOLAND for the last time, our passes are expiring. We enjoyed the waterpark in the morning and then got rained on as we left at around 3:30pm. We drove straight to a birthday party and Isaiah slept on the way. The kids did great at the party, there was a bounce house, pool, and a hot tub so Isaiah was loving it. I am super looking forward to Isaiah’s birthday party this Saturday! I think he is going to LOVE having a bounce house/slide in his own backyard!

On Friday, Isaiah went to school and then afterwards we went to Mcdonald’s to play. Isaiah has recently been putting his drink “away” when he’s done with it. He stands at the fridge while holding the handle. I open it, he sets his cup down in the fridge and slams it shut! Nice job!

On Thursday, Isaiah had his first OT session. There was a flat board swing put up and Isaiah enjoyed climbing up it, balancing, and then jumping off. He was really hungry during the session though and kept looking for food in my bag. Everything I gave him, he ate. I was unprepared. But, in my defense, Isaiah had got up at 5:30am that morning?! So I picked him up a little early from school so that he could take a nap before therapy. So I woke him up and put him straight in the car to go to OT and I guess he woke up starving. Isaiah needs to figure out if he wants to drop his nap or keep it because its hard to figure out! Basically the OT therapist said that they will come up with a sensory “diet” for him. She was confident that his climbing and jumping will decrease by 50%. sure, ok, I sure hope she is right. I will keep you posted on these sessions for sure.

On Wednesday, we had ST with Beth. She worked on getting him to wait and use his words to ask for more puzzle. She read a book to him while he was sitting at the table and would ask him to wait and then to turn the page. I don’t really remember that session other than that session went extremely well and he transitioned very well and obeyed what she asked of him.

Tomorrow, Isaiah has his first dentist appointment. I’m a little nervous about that. I also will try to make it out to an Autism support group hosted by UCF CARD. I will update you all next Tuesday. Be blessed!

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